Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grace In Small Things, catch up edition

Soooo, its been an awfully long time since i've done an installment of Grace in Small things.. so, tonight's as good a night as any... I have more things to blog too, like one of my oldest friends newest addition, baby Olivia... as well as my own adorable nieces.. and a few randoms of some random friends.. but i digress...
Grace in Small Things.
1. Buckeye games with my JJ
2. buckeye Wins!
3. a good workout
4. my new badass hat with a block O on it. =)
5. mini m&m's (this might make the blog more than once...)
6. all of my favorite fall shows starting again.. Greys, Desperate Housewives.. hopefully V
7. cherry dr pepper
8. GNO nights with 3 desserts.. (yes i said 3!)
9. my JJ and all he does for me and my family
10. new. boots.
and... because blogs from photographers are boring without pictures.. here are two, one with my new badass hat, =) and another of me, JJ and Brutus after OSU ground OU into the ground. hehe good night all. xoJB


Kara said...

Great pics, Jenny!! LOVE the hat - where did you get it???

Jenny said...

hey thanks!! i got it at a little shop on campus.. tried it on one week, fell in love with it but didnt buy it so the next week, we made a bee line for it! lol